Frequently Asked Questions
What are digital MCs?
These are MCs issued by your doctor. A digital medical certificate (MC) is the online version of a paper medical certificate (MC). DigiMC can be accessed via a unique link under the domain. You can get a digital MC by visiting any doctor of your choice and requesting for one.
Where can I find my digital MC?
After a consultation with your doctor, once your doctor has created an MC for you, you will receive an SMS with a link to your digital MC. If you still have not received your SMS with a link to your MC, please get in touch with your doctor. The DigiMC team is unable to assist in such situations, as we have no visibility over how the MC is distributed.
I need sick leave immediately. How can I get an MC?
Digital MCs are issued by doctors. Meet a doctor near you to get an MC.
You can request your doctor for a digital MC.
I received my DigiMC but the link says it's void. What do I do?
Digital MCs are issued by doctors and your doctor may have modified your DigiMC. Please contact the doctor who issued you the MC for further assistance.
What types of leave can doctors issue DigiMC for?
DigiMC can be issued for the following leave types: Hospitalization leave, Outpatient sick leave, Maternity leave, Sterilization leave, Time chit.
What does a DigiMC look like?

Why are we digitizing MCs?
It can be inconvenient to submit a paper MC to the human resource department or supervisor. Over the past 5 years, digital MCs have replaced hardcopies as the new norm.
You no longer need to worry about misplacing paper MC, or having to request for a replacement. It is also more sustainable as using less paper saves our environment!
When we conducted a pilot from Apr - Jul 2019, 95% of 179 patients agree to the question "On the whole I'm satisfied with using DigiMC", with reasons including:
Able to easily submit MC to more than 1 person
Will not forget to bring MC back to work
Will not lose it as long as I have the link
Can send it immediately on the same day I visit doctor
Can I still get a paper MC if I want to?
Most providers still offer paper MCs, available on request.
Can my employer or other people access my digital MC without my consent?
Only you will receive the SMS containing your digital MC link. The MC must first be unlocked by you, with your date of birth. After that, you may choose to forward it to your employer or relevant parties.
There is no doctor’s signature on the digital MC. How do I prove that the digital MC is authentic?
As DigiMC is computer-generated, the doctor’s signature is not required. The doctor’s signature is in the form of his/her name in block letters on the digital MC together with the doctor’s MCR number. To further cement its authenticity, ensure that the digital MC is issued from the domain If you need further clarification, please call the issuing healthcare institution.
What if my employer does not recognise my digital MC?
You may inform them to check out FAQ for employers.
What if I lose my digital MC?
You will need to request the healthcare institution to issue the paper MC. We encourage you not to delete your DigiMC SMS, and save the link, to prevent such a situation.
Is there a way I can access all DigiMCs through the website?
No. Each DigiMC has a unique link and can only be accessed via that link which has been sent to you via SMS. All your DigiMCs will appear in the same SMS conversation and you can refer to that SMS conversation to find a previous DigiMC.
What if I do not receive my SMS link to the digital MC after seeing the doctor?
The SMS is handled by your doctor's hospital or clinic. Reach out to them directly - they can often assist you and resend the link. Our team is often unable to assist in such situations, as we have no visibility over how the MC is distributed.
I have received the SMS but the URL does not work. Who can I contact for help?
Please contact us with this form, and we will follow up on your request promptly. While waiting for our response, please check the internet connection, or test the link on another internet-enabled device.
Is there an option to send to my email address instead?
As most healthcare institutions request for the patient’s phone number during the registration process, but not their email address, you may share the link through email to yourself.
Is DigiMC recognised for insurance claims?
If your insurers require an MC for insurance claims to be made, DigiMC is an authentic MC and should be recognised by them. You may direct them to this website or contact us via the support form if they have further clarifications about DigiMC. For other clarifications on other medical records or documents, please contact the healthcare institution you visited instead.